
Swede working for the Swedish Consulate and SACC in the greatest town - Seattle, WA

My story

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So, what brought me back to Seattle? 

If you followed my blog back in 2009-2011 or talked to me ever since know my love for this city and my goal to move back. More specifically work for Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce Seattle (Svenska handelskammaren) and the Swedish Consulate, Seattle. Since I moved back to Sweden, this has been my ultimate goal.

In the fall of 2015 I applied. Never have I put so much effort in to a resume and cover letter, nights spent at the library to make it perfect. The day after last day of application I got an email that I had been selected for an interview. Two weeks later, I accepted the offer. 

Still, it wasn't an easy choice. I had a great job and coworkers at home that I loved, engaged in the moderate party, an apartment, friends and a comfortable life. However, being comfortable doesn't really work for me, I needed a challenge and this was the time to take it. I had to follow my heart (cliché yas). This was the chance I've waited for since 2010. Six years. 

So here I am, having my own apartment on Cap Hill, a dream I worked so hard for. Keeping myself busy with brunches, handball, friends, hikes, parties, shopping, shows, cruises, travels, spending time with my former host family, baseball and everything else urban living brings. The life I always loved, in Seattle.  

My goal is to never think: what if? And so far, I haven't broken that rule. I made it to the US three times, all by myself. 

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