
Swede working for the Swedish Consulate and SACC in the greatest town - Seattle, WA

Baseball all weekend long

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Once again a great weekend in Seattle.

Friday night me and Ophelia caught up over a glass of wine at my place before some food and drinks at our favorite bar; RheinHaus.

After a good nights sleep I met up with James (team mate) and we made lunch and threw some football in the park.

Then, home to get changed and meet Ophelia for Saturday baseball. And what a night, 40K+, sun was shining and a very exciting game.

And then finally Sunday came, excited for the day since Sofie was in town! Happy to hug her and her boyfriend Johan again :). We started the day to watch the pride parade and then later headed over to Safeco Field to watch Mariners again. Again, beautiful weather to watch the game (and drink beer). After an intense weekend I took an evening stroll, watch the beautiful sunset I tried to sleep in my sauna. Wait, apartment...

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